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Saudi Arabia removes age limit to enter the Two Holy Mosques

There were previously restrictions for pilgrims planning to perform Umrah

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia announced that there will no longer be an age limit for Umrah pilgrims to enter the two Holy Mosques.

Previously, the Saudi Arabian government imposed restrictions for pilgrims planning to perform Umrah, where only people aged between 18 and 50 that were double vaxxed could visit the Holy Sites.

With the latest update, there’s no age limit on pilgrims. You can simply apply for a permit on the Eatmarna application and have your health status as immune on Tawakkalna. According to the latest vaccine rules, you need to be triple-jabbed in order to hold your immune status on the Tawakkalna application.

As of February 1, 2022, adults in Saudi Arabia will need to have the booster three months after they have been double jabbed so that they can maintain their vaccinated status. If individuals do not have the vaccinated status, they will not be able to partake in a variety of activities across the country. For more information about the booster, click here.

You must make sure that you have been jabbed with a vaccine that is recognised by Saudi Arabia and have an official vaccination certificate. According to vaccination rules in Saudi Arabia, approved vaccines include Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca.

When visiting the Grand Mosque and its courtyards, visitors must make sure they are wearing a mask at all times and following all of the social-distancing protocols.

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