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Interview: The Breath Guy on bringing classes to Saudi Arabia

Ready for a breather? Sign up for these breathwork classes in Riyadh and AlUla

Let’s be honest. You hear the phrase breathing classes and you probably think that it’s going to be a gimmick. But The Breath Guy is here to help us all breathe a little better and improve our mental as well as physical health. Over the last year, we’ve probably all been more conscious about our health (especially our breathing), so his classes which are coming to Riyadh and AlUla will give you the tools to improve your breathing. When we caught up with him, he was certainly, well, a breath of fresh air. All together now: exhale.

Breathwork sounds pretty niche. How did you first get into it?
My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which has no real widely accepted cure. I was on the lookout for lifestyle changes and alternative treatments. I came across Wim Hof and he talked about a method he developed that was effective in helping people with autoimmune diseases like MS. I travelled to Poland to learn his technique and found the effects to be profound. I taught my dad – now he breathes, takes cold showers every morning and his MS has not progressed.

The Breath Guy is an unusual name, how did you land it?
When I first began teaching, my clients would refer their friends and family to me. When they introduced me, they would always say: “This is the breath guy”. It kept happening over and over again, so I decided to just go with it.

What can people expect from your classes?
A breathwork class is very simple. Think of it a bit like a yoga class but instead of doing any positions of poses, you just lie down and breathe to a sequence of different techniques. These techniques are designed to take your mind and body on a journey and provide you with physical, mental or emotional benefits.

What are the main benefits of breathwork?
I define it as anytime you intentionally become aware of your breath and use it to improve your physical as well as mental health and emotional wellbeing. The way you breathe affects just about every system in your body, such as your cardiovascular system, endocrine system, digestive system, nervous system and immune system. Think of your breath as your body’s very own in-built Swiss army knife. When you know how to use it purposefully, you can reduce stress, increase energy levels, rebalance hormones, heighten focus and concentration and so on.

While you’re here in Saudi Arabia, are there any sights you want to see?
I love meeting people in different parts of the world and hearing their stories, so for me, I am excited to meet as many people as possible. I am sure along the way I will get to see much of the beauty of Saudi Arabia. In my short time here so far, I have been most touched by the generosity and open-heartedness of the people in Saudi Arabia. I have felt so welcomed and I am incredibly grateful to be here.

November 12. Hegrat Nora, AlUla. November 13. Habitas, AlUla.
November 13-19. Riyadh. December 15, 18. Riyadh.

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