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Moving to Saudi Arabia: Everything you need to know

Moving to Saudi Arabia: Everything you need to know

Top tips for relocating to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Congratulations, you’ve been offered a new job in the amazing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Of course there’s no way you could possibly turn down the chance to start a new life in this incredible country but if you’re totally honest, you haven’t got the first clue as to how to go about it. That’s where you old friends at Time Out come in. We’ve already made the switch to Saudi and so are here to make your own relocation as seamless and stress-free as possible. Moving to Saudi, just like upping sticks to most countries, can be quite an intricate procedure so here is our guide to some of the basics everyone will need to know.

Finding your new home in Saudi

For those of you who decide to go a little rogue and try to find your own digs in Saudi Arabia, there are plenty of estate agents/realtors more than willing to provide you with their superior local knowledge of the market (for a small fee, of course).

We suggest putting on your sensible hat on (boring, we know) and factoring in where to put your roots based on certain critical criteria: neighbourhood, affordability, distance to work, schools, amenities and utilities that come as part of your package.

Arguably the best starting point would be Bayut Saudi Arabia (, which lists more than 250 local agents and what rental properties they currently they have on offer. It also provides all the details of your potential new pad, along with info about each agent, links to their websites and a simple contact form for when something catches your eye and you’re too shy (or excited) to actually pick up the phone.

If you’re still unsure where to turn, check out our quick (but hopefully helpful) guide to setting up shop in Saudi at

Finding a removal firm

Starting a new life anywhere wouldn’t be the same without a few home comforts. We’re not suggesting you bring all your worldly goods to Saudi (you certainly won’t need your sled or thermal underwear for a start) but just having the odd prized possession dotted around your new abode will mean the transition could be less daunting.

If you’ve ever moved home in your native land before, you will know full well how much of a pain in the proverbial it can be. We still have nightmares about the time we decided to relocate half a mile down the road and deciding we’d go all DIY using our cute but distinctly boot-space-bereft three-door motor. It took 50 trips. And at that point, we promised ourselves we’d never go through such rigmarole again. Get the experts in to lend a hand, you seriously won’t regret it.

There are many removal firms based in Saudi Arabia but based on our own experiences, and those of new friends and neighbours we coerced into a straw poll, there are two that stand out.

Kingdom International Movers ( is a Saudi-based outfit that has more than a decade’s of experience in helping people swiftly sashay (or saunter, perhaps) into their dream homes. They promise to not only deal with all the logistics involved but also, as they say, take into account ‘your emotional needs when it comes to handling items that are close to your heart’. That signed, framed photo of your favourite rock star (Josh Homme, in our case) will look a little sad all smashed up like a Kurt Cobain guitar should it not be treated with a little TLC. No One Knows how you’d ever replace it, after all. KIM offers a bespoke service to anyone who puts their trust in them, giving you a quick quote and then setting up a physical or virtual survey of the task at hand before getting down to business as professionally and helpfully as you could ever imagine.

GAC International Movers ( started life in the Middle East by providing shipping in Kuwait back in 1956. Its pioneering founder, Swedish entrepreneur Bengt Lindwall, soon expanded operations of the Gulf Agency Company into other destinations, including Saudi Arabia in the 1960s and ’70s. But enough of the history lesson, what you really need to know for your own peace of mind is that these guys can do even the most intricate of removals in their sleep (they wouldn’t, of course, that’s impossible). The first removals firm in the Middle East to be officially accredited by the industry’s most respected body, FIDI (or Fédération Internationale des Déménageurs Internationaux to give it its full, Franco-Belgian name), what is most impressive about their service is the sheer care with which they’ll take on board any of your requests, no matter how trivial they might seem.

Sorting out a visa

As much as you’d like it to be, rocking up to Saudi Arabia with big ideas and no small amount of talent wouldn’t be possible without a visa. Getting one is absolutely essential and no matter how much you might argue you’re a ‘citizen of the world, and the world should be free’, there is a small amount of red tape involved.

This should come as no surprise to any of you who have ever made the bold but infinitely rewarding step of heading for foreign climes. Luckily if you’re new to this, the company who has just offered you an amazing new job will be dealing with most of the paperwork on your behalf.

For our full guide to the ins and outs of securing that most essential piece of kit, visit