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Where to meet expats in Riyadh
Where to meet expats in Riyadh

Where to meet expats in Riyadh

Setting up in Riyadh? Here’s how to make friends in the capital of Saudi Arabia

Whether you’ve recently moved to Riyadh, or are a long-term resident of the Saudi capital, there’s always room for more friends to catch up with. Expat life can be lonely, but there are loads of people out there in the same boat, and there are plenty of groups organising meet-ups around the capital.

Budding bestie in the pipeline? If you’re looking for fun things to do with your new-found friends in Riyadh, we’ve rounded up a complete list for you. Read more here.

In the meantime, here are the best places to meet expats in Riyadh.

In a compound

One of the most immediately striking points new arrivals to Saudi Arabia might find is the fact so many of their fellow expats live in gated communities. In order to make such newcomers feel instantly at ease, Riyadh (and most of Saudi’s major towns or cities) have set up little expat enclaves that have been turned into a home-from-home purely to make the transition a little more straightforward. Each compound has its own distinct character, with cafés, restaurants, sporting venues and social clubs. Housing within them is often at a premium, though, and while it might initially be comforting to hear some familiar accents does the cost really make common sense? It’s up to each individual to decide for themselves. However, we’ve found living off-compound and truly immersing ourselves in the Saudi culture much more fruitful.

Via an expat forum

Starting a new life in any country can be fraught with uncertainty. But when moving to remarkable Riyadh for work, you can certainly be guaranteed two things: a warm welcome from your Saudi hosts and plenty of friendly faces who were once in a similar boat.

Your employers will undoubtedly do their utmost to prevent you feeling like a fish out of water, during your settling in period and far beyond. However, we know how it is when a new country and new culture can seem somewhat overwhelming and that’s when an expat forum can come in handy. Here are three such sites full of good intentions and great advice to help you meet expats in Riyadh.

Expat Arrivals

This site seems to have really done its research, which in itself is quite astounding considering the variety of cities and countries it covers. When it comes to Riyadh, offers an overview of what to expect from your Saudi Arabian adventure based on the experiences of those who have trodden the same path before. Easy to navigate (just like your switch to Saudi Arabia should be), has broken down the basics of your move to Riyadh into neat, well-though-out sections. Moving, Working, Accommodation, Schools, Lifestyle, Country Info. Each drop-down offers sage counsel about how to make your Riyadh relocation as seamless as possible. Plus, if there’s anything you’re unsure of this forum should offer you an answer and is a handy place to meet expats in Riyadh.


Particularly pertinent given the sheer volume of genuinely gregarious expats who contribute to it, has made many a Riyadh newbieʼs path that much more pain-free to negotiate. Not only does it provide you with the chance to chat to like-minded folk from across the planet but also arranges monthly get-togethers and activities so you can put a name to the face youʼve been bugging for advice all these weeks (or vice versa!). What we also love about is the array of groups it runs, meaning the sporty types, foodie types, bookish types or even the self-admittedly lazy types can share their experience (and gain some) without ever suffering at the hands of the judgy types. Signing up is really straightforward, so if whether youʼre a Brit, Indian, Filipino, Canadian, Jordanian or American abroad (there are plenty of other nationalities covered) then will make all-comers united. Internations is a global brand is one of the most popular groups for meeting expats in Riyadh.


With almost 5,300 members at the latest count, the Riyadh International Group on Meetup is one of the fastest-growing online communities for both Saudi nationals and expats alike. Another global brand that is helpful if you’re looking to meet expats in Riyadh. A shared interest in integration is what fuels this forum, with its organiser, Mohammed M, bringing his experiences of knowing what it’s like to be the new guy in town to the fore. Born in Riyadh, he has lived as far afield as Argentina and New Zealand, and his ethos for this group is to bring locals and expats together to ‘plan some fun’ for everyone involved. The gang meet up weekly (current climate permitting, obviously) and there’s a monthly language exchange that’s great at breaking down barriers, linguistic or otherwise. Yes, there are many more Riyadh-based groups on Meetup but we’re glad to highlight the biggest and arguably best.