Posted inSport & Adventure

5 habits to take into 2021

How to make this year your best yet

1 Don’t wait to try something

If 2020 taught us anything it’s that time is precious, and there is no use in putting off all the amazing things the UAE has to offer.

Old or new, steady or ripsnarling; the time for meticulous planning is gone and the time for adventure is now. The UAE has fared better than much of the world in the battle against the pandemic, and with beaches, malls, restaurants, bars and everything between fully open for business, why wait to say ‘yes’? Sky diving this weekend? We’ll see you there.

2 Keep connecting

Last year, despite social distancing measures, the whole world scootched just a little closer together. The globe was reminded that a simple email, text, or call can go a long way to letting people know they matter, and probably did more than can be imagined for mental health when things were at their most bleak. So crack on with more of the same in 2021, and reach out to friends and loved ones, even if it’s just to say ‘hey’. Just don’t make it a Zoom call, okay?

3 Invest in yourself

Strap on an oxygen tank, this is turning into a deep dive… Humans own just two things their entire lives: the mind and the body. Both need tune ups every now and then. And while we’re very happy to invest in property, cars, days out, vacations, new wardrobes and the likes – even in other people – we can be surprisingly unwilling to invest in ourselves. Be it a cup of coffee in the sunshine, a stroll, or just 15 minutes with that book you’ve been wanting to read for ages, shun the screen and take some time for yourself.

4 Wake up an hour earlier

Ready to join the 5am club? Shun that snooze button – waking up an hour earlier each day bolts an extra 15 days on to the end of the year – quick maths as Big Shaq would say. That’s a serious slug of time, and be it 60 minutes to kick-start the day with a healthy breakfast, some meditation or a sweaty gym session while the rest of the world dozes – the foundations for a positive and productive 24 hours begins the moment the eyes are open. Don’t be trapped by the dogma that the day begins at 6am. Rise, grind, and shine.

5 Be calm

Last year was a storm, and from a global perspective it may be some time before there is a stillness to 2021. The world has demonstrated patience and flexibility over the past 12 months, the guiding principles of the UAE coming to the fore to reveal the best in its inhabitants. Calmness will be just as crucial going forward. Making decisions off a level head will benefit everyone and, in rather oxymoronic fashion, stillness can induce a ripple effect, impacting those in close proximity to calm individuals. Be the calm the world – and your friends – needs.