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Chef Susy Massetti: “I love the vibrancy of Riyadh”

The Italian chef chats to us about her new restaurant opening in Riyadh

World-renowned chef Susy Massetti has worked in restaurants across the world and cooked for famous faces ranging from presidents to movie stars. She is now bringing her skills to Saudi Arabia and hopes to count you as her next customer.

Born in Milan, Italy, she is passionate about Italian food as well as organic farming. Massetti is no stranger to the Middle East, as she created her very own farm, Roots & Shoots Organic Farm, in Bahrain in 2019 and was the personal chef to the Prime Minister of Qatar.

Massetti already has one swanky restaurant in Saudi Arabia in the form of Khobar’s Eat’sy, and is now planning to open a second branch in Riyadh. She chats to us about her dishes, drive and destiny.


Tell us about the new branch of Eat’sy coming to Riyadh.
Most of my dishes at the restaurant are inspired by what I learned from my mother and grandmother. I have signature dishes that people always request like my pumpkin ravioli, capellini al limone and baked seabass, but I always strive to always introduce new dishes.

Why should people check out Eat’sy?
I would like to think that people love my food because I put all that I am and have in my cooking. I always say that I have an Italian soul that transpires in all that I do. I love to incorporate local ingredients and techniques at times, and I am a strong supporter of all that is local.

What will the atmosphere be like in Eat’sy?
It will be very cosy, warm and welcoming. It will be like you were going to enter a good friend’s home. I do not want to reveal too much at this stage, but we are building the space from scratch rather than adapting our concept to some run-of-the-mill built-up place. But I can surely say, as our first restaurant in Riyadh, it will be special.

What inspired you to first get into cooking?
It was destiny! I was literally born on top of my mother’s restaurant kitchen as she didn’t realise that she was in labour, and they didn’t have the time to take her to the hospital. She was rushed upstairs to a spare room where I was born, so I truly believe my destiny was sealed right there and then.

So when you’re in Riyadh, where do you like to eat out?
I adore the shawarma shops. I personally prefer the meat shawarma. My favourite treat is a simple concoction made with ghee toasted flour and dates served with ice-cold laban.

What do you love most about Riyadh?
I love the vibrancy and the rhythm of Riyadh. It never stops and there are new things popping up all the time. My first visit was quite a few years ago, and I had the joy of experiencing many lovely things. My absolute favourite was a visit to a 1.2 million square meter farm just 20 minutes outside the city – I was blown away by the sheer wild beauty of the area as well as the breathtaking view at night of the city.

What does opening a restaurant in Riyadh mean to you?
Very simply and shamelessly, it means that what I create is worthy of international recognition.

Eat’sy is coming soon to Riyadh.