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Saudia Airlines reveals free in-flight WhatsApp service
Saudia Airlines reveals free in-flight WhatsApp service

Saudia Airlines reveals free in-flight WhatsApp service

The offer is valid to international destinations including Dubai

The worst part of a flight is surely enabling aeroplane mode and being cut off from the world 35,000 feet below (well, for those who don’t enjoy a few hours’ escape from real life) – or face paying expensive fees for on-board wi-fi.

But that painful choice is set to become a thing of the past with this latest announcement from Saudia Airlines.

The company, which flies to a number of destinations in the UAE including both Dubai airports, is giving passengers free access to WhatsApp during flights. Yes, that’s right – totally free.

Saudia quietly announced the new offer on its Facebook page but it has set the social media world into a frenzy.

It means that passengers will be able to send messages while the plane is in the air on all the airline’s domestic flights and on journeys to specific international destinations.

The list includes Dubai, London, Manchester, New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Toronto, Madrid and Paris.

The only catch is that passengers can only send text messages for free, but this is still a great way to keep in touch with friends and family on the ground during those long trips.

Of course, if you’re looking to catch up on emails or browse the web, you’ll need to pay.

Saudia offers 20 minutes for free on flights towards Dubai, London, Manchester, New York, Washington And Los Angeles – with another hour costing 9.49 Saudi riyal (approximately the same in dirhams).
For more information go to Flights from Dubai to destinations including Saudi Arabia, Madrid and Istanbul.