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Four Seasons AlUla
Film AlUla

AlUla: A ready-made movie set

Film AlUla’s Stephen Strachan shares the movies being shot on the historical site

Saudi Arabia is well on its way to becoming a hotspot for filmmakers. Whether its mega-events like the Red Sea International Film Festival or directors using the deserts as a ready-made film set, the kingdom is ready for its close-up. We chatted to Film AlUla‘s film commissioner, Strephen Strachan, about how this ancient site is filled with new creative engery.

What’s special about AlUla as a setting for film productions?

AlUla has one of the oldest cities on the Arabian Peninsula, Hegra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as desert, rock formations, canyons and even volcanoes. A gem is the oasis: a lush, green, expanse. And we have highly skilled crew and local talent, among the best I’ve worked with – with expert knowledge of filming in Saudi.

How does Film AlUla support Saudi filmmakers?

We employ local talent across production and prioritise giving young creatives hands-on opportunities and experience. The assistants on set today will be the exciting emerging young filmmakers of tomorrow.

Is a blossoming film industry a product of change in Saudi Arabia, or a driver?

I think it’s both. Certainly, the growth of the industry can be attributed to the flourishing all of Saudi Arabia is experiencing under Vision 2030, but filmed entertainment can be a catalyst for social change. There is a desire for authenticity – of craft, of stories, of perspective – in the international film industry and Saudi filmmakers are in
a prime position to speak authentically.

How does making movies here challenge stereotypes?

People have this idea of what Saudi Arabia is, that couldn’t be further from the truth of what we experience. As more international productions come here, the region’s diversity will be on display to global audiences; one of the most effective ways to challenge stereotypes is through exposure.

What’s coming up for audiences?

Kandahar, starring Gerard Butler, is filming here, the first international blockbuster shot entirely in AlUla. We also filmed parts of Cherry, starring Tom Holland, in AlUla – the first US movie we hosted and a great experience.