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Meet the founders behind Enchanted Art Centre

Amani Tamimi and Fatma Tamimi chat to us about teaching the town to paint

Pick up those brushes, Riyadh. Amani Tamimi and her sister Fatma Tamimi are on a mission to make artists out of you. In 2010, the pair created Enchanted Art Centre, which hosts classes three times a week, where women can learn to paint your very own masterpiece.

It doesn’t matter if the last time you picked up a brush was when you were in nursery. The classes are designed to teach you the fundamentals but in a fun and supportive environment. “The classes are fuelled by coffee, jazz and classic Arabic music,” laughs Amani. So expect a relaxed vibe where you are encouraged to chat and get creative with your fellow classmates.

During the sessions, you start with pencils and charcoal, then move to pastel, acrylics and watercolours. While the subjects can be anything from still life to animals.

Amani and Fatma both were born and grew up in Riyadh, and come from a big family where art was encouraged. As a result, they were keen to share that love of art. Amani recalls, “It all started in a spontaneous way. We didn’t have a huge goal or vision. It was forming as we were doing it. We started small, renting spaces. Then we saw how hungry people were, and that they wanted to have this outlet.”

The studio originally began as a space for mums and children to learn to paint, and still offers dedicated classes for children. Amani specialises in the children’s classes and Fatma runs the adult classes.

Amani remarks, “The idea was to have a space where a mother and child could learn. We wanted them to be able to do activities, which were different from going to the mall.” Amani found that some parents were initially sceptical about the benefits of art classes.

She adds, “Some parents think it’s a luxury. I tell them to just see how the child develops after a while. It’s psychological for kids, as they will become more confident, better at problem-solving and observation.

“Plus, if I’m teaching them about a certain culture, I’ll have music and images from that culture in the class. I will be working on all their senses all the time.”

After seeing that there was an appetite for art, the studio began offering classes for women who are keen to get their Kahlo on. Amani adds, “When we have groups of women it sometimes feels like we are doing a therapy session, as they come with this huge weight on their shoulders. They feel like they can’t call themselves artists. They are hesitant and not confident.”

Today, there are people from all walks of life attending the classes and reaping the benefits of some brush strokes. Amani explains, “Some of our students have been doctors and surgeons – people with high-pressured jobs – but once they found a comfort in drawing, they come back as a way to release stress.” In fact, the classes now have a lot of repeat customers.

If you’re interested in the adult sessions, don’t be intimidated. Fatma is there to guide you and goes around giving you helpful tips, all in a friendly way. Plus, as Amani notes “you get the same quality of a college class, but not the commitment as you can attend as many classes as you want”.

A relaxing, social art experience for all levels of talent? We’re sold. Sign us up for Enchanted Art Centre, ladies.

From SAR250. Open Sun 5pm-7pm, Wed 11am-1pm, 5pm-7pm, Al-Thumamah Valley St, Al Olaya,

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